
Mentoring is recognized as a cost-effective and impactful way to prepare future business leaders. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to advance your career!

Mentoring is a voluntary developmental partnership through which a person with relevant experience (the mentor) shares skills and experience to support someone else (the mentee) in achieving career objectives.

It is not “training”, but rather the construction of a trusting relationship that helps you navigate your working life.Mentoring plays a critical role in the progression of women professionals in all sectors. The lack of mentoring, exclusion from networks, and absence of women role models are cited as key barriers to career advancement for women.

In the PWN Milan Mentoring Program, the emphasis is on professional development.  Mentors are matched with mentees to support specific career or business-related goals. Mentoring relationships are sustained over a period of 6 months. Meetings take place monthly and – depending on the preferences of mentors and mentees – they can be in person or remotely. 


Who will benefit?

 Mentoring provides a huge benefit to the Mentee, the person who is being mentored, by obtaining a fresh perspective on their career status, aspirations & goals from their Mentor.

But did you know that mentoring also provides a significant benefit to the Mentor as well?

 Many Mentors have commented that their contribution as a Mentor also provided themselves with a positive new way of looking at their own career path, as well as an incentive to reflect on where they themselves were going and how that aligned with their own aspirations & goals.

It’s really a “win-win” exchange between Mentee & Mentor.


PWN Milan Mentoring Program is reserved for Premium members (i.e. individual, corporate, Sme members).
To participate in the program, renew your membership or join now! 

What does PWN Milan offer to its members?

PWN Milan provides an effective mentoring program organisation to ensure that you get the most out of your mentoring experience. 


  • Women mentors are hard to find in the average organization. It allows women to candidly share issues related to gender at work, as mentors probably experienced similar difficulties before and can act as mirrors and role models.
    Being in different organizations can offer a wider and unbiased perspective to participants. Not having hierarchical implications allows both mentors and mentees to be open and sincere.
    Our traditional 1 to 1 mentoring will be available for max of 40 couples of members – we will accept up to 40 mentor candidates (taking into consideration PWN Milan membership seniority).
  • In order to facilitate both mentors and mentees with the best match, PWN Milan will organize a Speed Dating Event to offer the opportunity for mentors and mentees to meet before the final match is decided, to share motivations/goals/expectations and to provide a list of preferences regarding their mentoring partner.
  • During the Mentees Application Period, brief profiles of all the mentors will be available for mentees' consultation on the PWN Milan website.
  • After the Speed Dating Event, PWN Milan Mentoring Team will match the couples, taking into consideration membership seniority and the preferences of mentor/mentee matching. New applicants to the program will be favored.
  • In the matching activity, we will recognize a priority to mentees who will have participated in Speed Dating Event (if you cannot attend, PWN Milan does not ensure matching).

Katerina Kalantzi - Mentoring Program Director

Maryna Grytsenko - Mentoring Project Manager


 2024 PWN Milan Mentoring Program – MORE INFORMATION


Mentoring Program Dates:

- Applications for Mentors open from March 20th to April 4th

- Applications for Mentees open from March 28th to April 19th

- Speed dating week from May 10th to May 20th

- Online training for Mentors: 12th June at 7PM

- Online training for Mentees: 13th June at 7PM

- Kickoff of the Program on June 19th 2024

- Mentoring sessions: from June to December 2024

- Half-journey event, online: 17th October 2024

- Program closure and celebration on January 23th 2025




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